Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Part I

Our topic is China- US Relations which pertains to economic, social, and political matters. It is one of the most important relationships worldwide in the 21st century, particularly evident in economic and military correspondence between the two nations. Since the founding of the modern Chinese state (communistic), started by Mao in 1949 ("Mao Era" 1949-1976), the relationship between China and the US has fluctuated between tense distrust and a lukewarm affiliate. The relationship was especially stressed during the Korean War and time of conflicts in Vietnam. Under Deng Xiaoping's pressure to embrace capitalism and open to the west, an economic connection was build between China and the US. Since then associations have improved, but even so, there are still conflicts between the two countries today. Cyber espionage, violations of human rights, and ideological differences are the prevalent tensions between China and the US today.

By Luca Difronzo and Sophie DeSantis

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