Sunday, November 23, 2014

Unrest in Ukraine

The unrest between Kiev's government troops and 

pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine still continues to accelerate. Russia’s entrenching influence in Eastern Ukraine shows their fixed ambition of annexing more territories. In response to Russia’s aggression, The U.S. deputy National Security advisor Tony Blinken told a Senate committee that the U.S. should provide weapons in order to strengthen Ukraine’s military. In Doing so, Russia warns that the U.S. is “destabilizing” the situation. Although, earlier this month, Russia rolled in their tanks and heavy weapons into Eastern Ukraine, which gives more power to the separatists to siege more territories and expanding the war zone into western Ukraine, further tearing the nation apart.

Although Russia and Ukraine declared a ceasefire truce two months ago, Russia has been blatantly disregarding the deal and continues to violate Ukraine’s sovereignty and security. Western influences join in a collective response to Russia’s aggression, the attempts thus far have been futile, With at least 4,317 deaths, 466,829 displaced citizens, and a nation of citizens that are losing their human rights a the conflict. This situation can only escalate as long as Russia’s ambition in claiming more territories remains unsettled. We are now counting on the International Communities next response to see how Ukraine can regain its sovereignty with fewer obstacles than what already lies ahead.

Works Cited
Vlasov, Dmytro. "Biden Urges Russia to Uphold East Ukraine Truce." ABC News. Associated Press, 21 Nov. 2014. Web. 24 Nov. 2014. <>.

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1 comment:

  1. I feel as if we should be cautious in arming this conflict. I concede that the Russians are acting illegally under international law, yet throwing our weight too heavily into this conflict could have disastrous effects. As a side note, the blog seems a little short to me. Just a thought! What you have is well-written, though.
